Caption Contest!
I was going through the bunch of pictures I have in my folders and I came across this stray one that made me laugh my socks off.
And it also reminded me that while the bunch of us were stressed backstage before the show, our beloved Egyptians and Roman soldiers had time to pose for DRAMATIC pictures!
Haiyoh! These fellows!
And, I think this pic is courtesy of Sue! Right?
Anyways, I'm pretty shagged to the max today and I had the Malaysian Film Festival write-up to do. So, as a treat for you, my loyal readers.........
Let's have a create your own caption contest! Yes yes! 'Tis true!
And there can only be ONE winner!
(This will determined by a panel of 3 judges. 1 of whom will be me. The other two neutral parties.)
And the winner might get a prize! Real or not?
Up to you to believe!
But then again, no harm right?
Afterall, if its true, you might just be watching a movie ON ME!
So, what the f**k?
Just try your luck!
Closing date for this competition ends at 00:00 hrs 28th September 2005!
Have fun!

"Fill in your own caption"

Terms & Conditions apply:
Actually, I can't think of any lah. Hahakz!
This competition is strictly coming from me, out of my own free will, out of my own pocket and have not been forced in whatever way possible. If there's a prize lah!