I cannot imagine what Hari Raya would've been like for me this year had I still have to go to Brunei on the 3rd day of the festivities. I really do wonder how my friends over there are doing in the jungle and I pray for their safety.
This Hari Raya has been a most meaningful despite it having much less of a "hurrah" as most people are working and children still having to go to school and of course, the dreaded "A" and "O" levels.
I actually teared on the first day when I was giving out a green packet. (Disclaimer: I not working full time yet hor. So sorry to the little children, I not giving you yet ar. I gave to the elders first lah) At that moment, I felt a significance, specifically, the passing of an era. It marked the transition of 2 decades of receiving and in due time, I would be giving.
Another highlight of this festive season has to be human stories, both happy and sad ones. During house visits, I learnt a few sad cases about old age and sickness and there were happy ones like the imminent celebration of a newborn.
But ultimately, this Hari Raya has been one of friendship and love.
In just one wonderful day, old friendships that spanned 10 years or more were rekindled. Friendships of 5 years further strengthened. Friendships of a year or two solidified. And new friendships being born. Oh my. What a wonderful feeling it was.
And love?
What more can one ask for when one has both sides of the family cramped into the house with the adults talking about almost anything, the children playing away and the little nieces and nephews teetering around the house. Now, that is love.
And of course, if a certain someone that a certain organ beats for appears though for a short period, that too is of relevance here. Heh.
I do hope that your Hari Raya, whether you celebrate the festival or not, has been a wonderful period.
I have a few pictures courtesy of Shahdon and his trusty camera and tripod yet again. It's a Hari Raya pictorial of Yellow Chair Productions and its members and associates.
They wanted to do a scenario photoshoot and they decided to go with the Class Photo series with yours truly being the form teacher. Enjoy.

The Teacher People Hate

The Teacher People Love

Informal Class Photo

Formal Class Photo