Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
American Idol Season 7 Finale Thoughts
The man who SHOULD HAVE won American Idol Season 7 I say! Haha!
Although his wasn't the best rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody ever but he did a respectable job singing it during the Hollywood round and it was the offset of my Queen fandom, but that's another story for another day.
Oh well.
Thank God for Season 7 after what was a bloody lacklustre Season 6, which I didn't really bother to keep up with.
For this season, I had my eye candy in the form of Kristie Lee Cook, who did overstay on the show and Ramiele Malubay, who had too short a stay! Oh, Ramiele also made it to my desktop and she got voted out that week! Saded. As for Kristi, I wanted her on my desktop but my desktop was too cluttered and I wouldn't have been able to see her face.
Still, I was rooting for Michael Johns and for one who was supporting Michael Johns the whole time, after his unexpected elimination, I went with David Cook for American Idol.
And guess what, I was right! Woohoo!

At home, it was just like a normal Barclay's Premier League showdown. I usually have a war of words with Dad over Manchester United and my beloved Newcastle United and it was no different this time, instead it was with Mum!
She's with Camp Archuleta and she couldn't stop bombarding me with SMS-es like Archuleta is best! forever... during the finals, which I was thankfully, watching from camp as I was on duty!
Simon had unfairly "granted" the title to Archuleta on the finale night itself and I was very pleased that he apologized for being very unfair to David Cook. And I admire the guy for that. Actually, if you don't quite know till now, I'm quite the fan of Simon Cowell. And oh, although totally not Idol related, I like Jose Mourinho too. Arrogant bastards but they're good at what they do! Woo!
So, admittedly, David Archuleta did perform his songs better on the overall but the kid lacks charisma. He didn't follow Andrew Lloyd Webber's advice not to close his eyes all the time! I like good voices but they've got to come with a personality don't you think? Well, start listening to David Cook and you'll know what I mean.
I had a slight feeling that Cook might not win actually considering fortune does not favour the rocker. Remember Bo Bice? Remember Chris Daughtry? Or even Constantin Maroulis. Gees, making me sound like a rocker and all! Haha!
Anyhow, Idol fever's over for now. Onwards to Singapore Idol 3!
Oh wait, that's not going to happen now is it?
She's with Camp Archuleta and she couldn't stop bombarding me with SMS-es like Archuleta is best! forever... during the finals, which I was thankfully, watching from camp as I was on duty!
Simon had unfairly "granted" the title to Archuleta on the finale night itself and I was very pleased that he apologized for being very unfair to David Cook. And I admire the guy for that. Actually, if you don't quite know till now, I'm quite the fan of Simon Cowell. And oh, although totally not Idol related, I like Jose Mourinho too. Arrogant bastards but they're good at what they do! Woo!
So, admittedly, David Archuleta did perform his songs better on the overall but the kid lacks charisma. He didn't follow Andrew Lloyd Webber's advice not to close his eyes all the time! I like good voices but they've got to come with a personality don't you think? Well, start listening to David Cook and you'll know what I mean.
I had a slight feeling that Cook might not win actually considering fortune does not favour the rocker. Remember Bo Bice? Remember Chris Daughtry? Or even Constantin Maroulis. Gees, making me sound like a rocker and all! Haha!
Anyhow, Idol fever's over for now. Onwards to Singapore Idol 3!
Oh wait, that's not going to happen now is it?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Alrighty people!
Yellow Chair Productions has got a new production coming up!!!!!
And I'm back at the helm.
The monsoon season has arrived and no one is more excited than Sophelia, 15. Allergic to the sun, Sophelia craves for the rain, the only times she can run freely in the open, without a care for the world. The free-spirited girl's sentiments are echoed by Adrian, 15, an aspiring weatherman. The rain brings the opportunity to explore and experiment with his tools, undisturbed. But, neither Sophelia nor Adrian could have expected their first love story to come with the rain.
The play will be at Sengkang CC on 20th & 21st June 2008.
There are 3 shows, 730pm on both evenings. And a 230pm matinee on 21st June.
Tickets are only at $8 and you can get them through me.
That's right, Artistic Director doubling up as Marketing/Publicity.
Come and watch!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tan Sri, Oh Tan Sri, What Big Shoes You Have - P Ramlee The Musical Review

A musical about the life, the loves and the inspirations of the legendary P Ramlee. Surely, the expectations are high no? Since his sudden death back in 1973 at only 43, not one actor, director or any other multi-hyphenate has been able to match what he has achieved. The late Tan Sri left behind a legacy that has lasted even 35 years after his death and will probably continue for many more generations. He left us all extremely big shoes to fill and collectively, there will probably be none who can achieve just that in this lifetime.
So, how do you capture this man's legacy into a musical? Sure you have his music and his wit but which aspects of his life should one really focus on? In this instance, the production focused very much on his career and the loves of his life. And this is my tale of my experience with the musical.
I had seen Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) and left very impressed with the production as a whole and Dick Lee had some amazing songs, which I could still hum to till today. I bet that the bulk of the audience that came to watch on the same evening as I had seen PGL too. Thus, the atmosphere in the theatre was something indescribable. I wasn't sure if it was hope or if it was one of dying with anticipation but the mood was definitely something different. I secretly sensed that it was a case of the prodigal son returning home.
Was the production worth my admission ticket? I was pretty divided but to a certain extent I guess it's a yes. Comparing PGL to this, PGL wins hands down unfortunately.
P Ramlee The Musical had more astounding sets. I was particularly impressed with the train and its carriages! The film set revived the Jalan Ampas feel a little and I really liked the ones in the houses which had pretty detailed decor. If there's one thing I've been told about my amateur plays, it's that I always have too many blackouts to initiate a scene change. It felt pretty similar here but a screen projecting clips and newspaper cuttings from the glory years to serve as a distraction. They were much welcomed but after a while, when the same clips and cuttings are repeated like a good five times before the scene takes place, it gets a bit...old.
I was quite surprised to discover that there were quite a lot of original compositions by Dick Lee which were interwoven with P Ramlee's own songs. While P Ramlee's songs stood out for sentimental reasons, they were heavyweights on their own. Anyone listening to them for the first them would have been captivated. Unfortunately, Dick Lee's music for this production was a tad disappointing for me save for one or three songs, which I really liked. I must also admit that when Musly Ramlee sang "Dimanakan Ku Cari Ganti", I actually felt a tingle or two in my spine. The same goes for most of the P Ramlee songs that he sang. And Liza Hanim's voice truly outshines the rest of the ladies unfortunately, making one forget about the rest of his wives and loves once Liza appeared.
The juiciest and most controversial aspect of P Ramlee's life also happened to be one of the weakest in this musical. While I understood how Azizah was his first love and all, and how he still pined for her despite the passing years (he named most of his female leads Azizah), it never truly felt that they were the first loves they were touted to be. I couldn't identify with his first and second wives, Junaidah and Norizan either. Well, I got to know one was jealous and the other couldn't take his fame and being away most of the time but that was it. While it was never exactly clear why Saloma had developed feelings for P Ramlee (again, save for a song saying how her heart flutters, etc), it was the most convincing love story. And not taking anything away from Musly Ramlee for his brilliant impersonation of P Ramlee, characterization was the musical's biggest flaw.
Now, all that said, it's not entirely a bad production. There were comic moments which will have you laughing out loud and I truly enjoyed the moments when certain lines and antics were straight out of his movies.
The musical has its charms and its appeal that will capture the hearts of the masses no doubt. I heard aunties raving how brilliant they thought the production was at it was only at intermission mind you!
Overall, the production was very commendable and somewhat entertaining but for a musical about a legend like P Ramlee, I was really hoping for more.
Then again, Tan Sri left everyone early and forever wanting for more...

Queen - No One But You (Only The Good Die Young)
"A hand above the water
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven -
Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken-hearted
On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you
One by one
Only the Good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you..."
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven -
Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken-hearted
On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you
One by one
Only the Good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you..."
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Quite honestly, I didn't really fancy The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe especially after Peter Jackson and team's success with Lord of the Rings. Well, the movie wasn't entirely bad though, because afterall, it inspired, The Chronicles of Maria!
This was a play I had written last year, spoofing the Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. It was about a domestic worker who had come to Singapore to study and to find work and ended up falling through a window. The window served as a portal for her to enter the land of Airam, where she discovered that she was the Chosen One who was supposed to overthrow the evil and ruthless Queen.
Prince Caspian, on the other hand, looks much better than the first movie. Although the scene at the train station has shades of Harry Potter (the comparisons are inevitable aren't they?), it brought about a sense of doom seeing the train pass the Pevensie children. The highlights of movies like these are usually the battle scenes and I must admit I'm one of those who have come to enjoy battle scenes that are simply put, good. Watching the trailer, it appears promising enough.
I'd watch Prince Caspian because I like a good fantasy story. Furthermore, there's a jolly good reason why C.S. Lewis' stories are timeless classics isn't there? Plus, you'd never what kind of inspirations I might get out of this movie after what happened with the first! Haha!
Oh oh, if you guys have yet to see the Prince Caspian trailer, you can view it at:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Shh! Productions' First Audition Call!
Hello one and all,
Shh! Productions, the Malay Drama group which I recently kick-started with Sam will be holding its first-ever auditions very soon! If you're keen to audition contact me!
English Version
Shh! Productions, a new Malay drama community group at Tampines Central CC will be holding auditions for its inaugural production inDecember 2008. This round of auditions is open to everyone between the ages of 16 to25.
No experience on stage is necessary and auditionees need not prepare anything in advance. Just be yourself and come join us! Do note that your involvement in this production, should you be accepted, is on a strictly voluntary basis as no payment is involved.
The auditions will be held at Tampines Central CC from 2pm to 6pm on Saturday, 24th May 2008 and Sunday, 25th May 2008. Auditions are strictly by appointment only. To book an audition slot or for more enquiries, please contact Shaifulbahri at 96464115 or at
Warmest Regards,
Mohamad Shaifulbahri
Shh! Productions
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Another Caption Contest
Alright all you readers! I'm going to give all of you another chance to win something!
I got comments that the last caption contest had a pretty boring photo.
So now, I've gone through the pictures I have and this is from my KL trip in March.
The person with the best caption will get to watch a free PLAY or MOVIE on me and with me!
How's that for a good deal right? So, what are you waiting for?
It's open to all of you, so just try your luck lah!
Here goes!

Okay then, deadline for this caption contest is 2359hrs, Sunday, 11th May 08.
Judges for this round are:
Stefan (Because he won the last round!)
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Crunching Crutches

I've never had to use crutches all my life despite having bad knee injuries before. Not until a few weeks back. And I must add a side note that Sam Salleh rejoiced in the fact that I was in crutches and that he could knock me down with his. Hmph.
Now, while yours truly is a Newcastle United fan, I'm not exactly the player type. I had played football a couple of times in camp but of late, wasn't really in the mood for any. And so the office mates decided to ask me yet again, convincing me it would be the last time I would be playing with 2 of them as they were going for BMT Recourse and won't see me again by the time they return as I'd have ORD-ed by then. So, I obliged. Boy, did it turn out to be the last time alright.
I was enjoying a good round of 3-on-3 street football, scoring freely and running around, getting a good workout. Until I decided to track back, be a hero and try to defend after a botched attack. I ran towards my opponent, caught up with him, put my best foot forward and managed to nudge the ball away just as he was about to kick it.
WHACK! It was my foot instead and the next thing I knew I was on the ground, in utter pain. And from that point, I couldn't walk. My right foot was a goner.
To cut a long story short, I'm off crutches now and I can walk better, the swelling's gone down. I was initially diagnosed with a badly sprained ankle and also accused by an officer in camp that I was faking it and had planned it to avoid IPPT mind you. And after my Specialist appointment, I was told that I have a torn ligament in my ankle. That explains why it still hurts when I walk for a distance or two and had to use crutches for a while.
I've got a follow-up appointment to see what's the next course of action and hopefully, the actual diagnosis. There's a tear but the extent can't be confirmed just yet as it's still pretty swollen on the inside.
Gees. What a time to get such a thing considering I'll be ORD-ing very soon.
That said, this is probably the worst injury of the lot although the knee injury I had in the early stages of NS had me limping for a long while. NS was also when I got chicken pox for the first time! And guess what, I was also down with a viral fever that almost knocked me out for 2 weeks! The doctors were worried that it was dengue. But thank god it wasn't the case.
I'm praying it's nothing too serious to warrant an operation or limit my mobility even further.
I need to move about! I'm not the idle type now am I? Haha.