Well, I have yet to post up pics of my trip to Hong Kong, but I've got the pics from my recent one to KL!
The highlight and main reason of the trip was to watch Sang Singa Purba (SSP), SP's resident Malay Drama Club perform WAWAS at the Stor Theatre at Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, KL.
This short trip ended up being one that was food, cultural and arts galore! Haha!
So, let's have a pictorial account of my trip shall we?
I was greeted by my friend, Allan and we went straight for the cinemas! We watch AVP 2 and Flower in the Pocket by Liew Seng Tat.

Allan and I in front of a Xmas tree at MidValley.
And it was at MidValley that we had dinner at D'lish!
This was all thanks to http://quaintly.net and her visit to the place.

Aren't we all? Hehe

The spread


The deli section

What do you want to eat?

Chicken and Turkey Ham Spaghetti, not too shabby, very creamy, very cheap. Haha.

Some Udon dish Allan had.

And then we both had cupcakes. This was mine, in its natural galore!

Tempted to Touch

The Terminator also wants some!

That's it, I gave in. The aftertaste of the icing stuck to my mouth feeling almost like Styrofoam but it tasted anything like! Haha! I enjoyed it.

A little dash of humour with dinner, Monsieur?

Cars that look like paper clips! Haha
You know, the thing about Ramly Burgers is that no matter what, the ones in Malaysia cannot beat the ones in Singapore, at all! I had an even more decadent bite of Ramly from a streetside vendor. And it was a blast! Must be the grease. Hmm...

The Ramly

Now, one of the other reasons for my trip, which also became a highlight pretty much was to find this cafe called Bisou. If you enjoy the nice pic above, then you will be sure to enjoy going to Bisou. I went by myself coz apparently no one's heard of the place! Alas, I found it, wasn't too hard though. Haha. Here we go!


The one in light brown is called Love Me Tender, it's a Peanut Butter cupcake and the chocolate laden one is one that's filled with NUTELLA!

Naturally, I ravaged the ones I had ordered.
I will be very honest here at this point in my post. Everytime I go up to KL from now on, I must make it a point to visit BISOU. I didn't know what to expect when I stepped into the quaint little place but I fell in love and I fell in love hard. The cupcakes were heaven made. In fact, I cannot fathom how a place so sweet and so charming could be filled with a decadent array of treats. I really felt like I had sinned but boy, this was a good one. Haha.
The cupcakes were very filling and the icings were generous and rich. Every bite was a little explosion. I enjoyed myself so much I brought some back to the hotel so Mum could try them and I got the whole SSP team a box of these lovely delectables!
I miss BISOU already.
And oh, must thank http://quaintly.net again for this gem of a find!

BISOU is located at 53, Jalan Doraisamy, KL. Take a cab lah! Hehe
And then, I headed to KLCC by myself again coz Allan was having a bad stomach. What was my trip to KLCC for? Lunch at A&W, now non-existent in Singapore and i hear very few branches left in KL.

Oddly enough, I had m Root Beer without Ice-cream! Silly me!

Oh don't you miss these too? Hehe. Oddly enough also, I didn't have the Waffles. Disappointing lah Shaiful!

I stumbled upon this, Avenue K, Malaysia's very own spoof of Avenue Q. HAHAH!

And because Allan was delayed yet again, I visited Dunkin Donuts. The visit reconfirmed my thoughts that there is no chance in hell Dunkin Donuts can match up to our very own Munchy Donuts and the very elusive, Krispy Kreme.
When I finally met Allan, he brought me to Central Market and it was there that we visited some exhibitions. There was this Batik exhibition.

Okay, picture this.

Now, imagine the previous pic being the inside of this swivel. And yes, I crawled into the swivel. Hahaha! And I got quite a treat! But I got a bit giddy too.

Besides a cupcake craze in Malaysia, there's also the Angkasawan (Astronaut) craze. They sewed batik prints onto the suits! It was a tad scary in the room though.

Tried Nando's instead of Kenny Rogers'.

Let's just say it was a regrettable choice. But hey, at least the counter girl was pretty!
And when dinner was over, Mum and I went to watch SSP in action!

The Stor Theatre. Reminds you of the Substation's Guiness Theatre doesn't it?
SSP once again, never fails to entertain with their creativity and originality. Pity it was such a small audience but I stand by what I've been saying. They're the leading Malay Drama group among all the other polys.

The programme and the ticket! I made the biggest boo-boo of the trip by not taking a pic with Zana Girl or anyone of the SSP team for that matter!

Work never ends. Haha. That document you see on my laptop is part of the Student Care Service Centre Musical I'm doing in June! *Glares at all you people involved who are reading this!* WAHHAAHA!
And then, the next morning I was off for Singapore. It was brief but I probably piled on the pounds!!!