About Ambition
I know some of y'all are really interested in knowing what exactly I'm gonna do after I graduate, I'm still unsure. I mean, I've got directions but it's like a crossroad with many paths to turn to. While I ponder what I'll be doing, let's talk a little about ambition.
If it's one thing I recall vividly from my childhood days, it'll be reading, lots of it. Sure, my parents told me bedtime stories from various books but my Dad got me started on reading by myself through Enid Blyton, and get this, Archie Comics.
Imagine, at four or five years old thereabouts, I was already reading about Archie and hhis troubles with Betty & Veronica, Reggie and his contstant pranks and who can forget Jughead and his high metabolic rate.
When I was about nine, I got real hooked on R. L. Stine's Goosebumps series of horror books.
Now, having started reading at a very tender age, it was only natural for me to venture into writing. And believe me you, back then, I started writing horror stories of my own. It was only two Hari Raya's ago that I found the file in which I kept these stories and plans for a whole series of them. The stories give me a chuckle. To think that at nine I had wanted to become an author.
My Dad, never discouraged me from wanting to do that.
But in any case, from memory, he kept telling me that he would love it if I were to become a journalist.
And lo and behold, ten years on, I started writing for two websites. Dream job? In a way, yeah. I mean, I never thought I'd be doing it for real you know. Like seriously. And I'm not even in a course of study related to such. Sure, I'm not getting paid yet but am I complaining? No.
My parents are extremely proud of the opportunity I've been given to venture into writing. Although somewhere along the way, my Dad did say he wouldn't mind seeing me as a teacher. Heh. He said it didn't have to be in a kindergarten/primary/secondary setting. Rather, he can just picture me standing in front of people and imparting knowledge. Weirdly enough.
The biggest non-secret of mine is the fact that I'm a major film buff. The first ever film that captivated me was Jurassic Park when I was seven. Now, the love for films didn't really get to me till I was twelve. Back then already I think I was averaging more films than a twelve year old could handle and by the time I was thirteen, I knew I wanted to direct. Granted, Singapore's film industry has yet to take off fully since I had that intent but the passion still burns greatly inside the heart.
When I went to the polytechnic, I must admit that a part of me developed the desire to want to teach. The belief that "those who can't, teach" is pure bollocks! I must say that the myth has been debunked after being in my current course of study. Although I may view education as a second career option, I am serious about it. No secret yet again that I would love to teach literature in a secondary school.
Funnily enough, I've been dabbling with the stage for about two to three years now in a writing, directing and acting capacity, all at the same time. For someone who feared theatre (because it's like, LIVE!), it's funny that I'm doing it more than anything else at the moment. It seems probable that I'll be doing this in the long run what's more with the different doors that have opened.
In fact, it seems probable that everything else that I'm doing right now might be what I'll continue to do in the long run.
Both my parents have never held me back from doing what I love. They've never tried forcing me to live their dreams. As long as I will be happy, as long as I can provide, that, should suffice.
So, let it be if I'm making films, writing the great Singapore novel, directing for the stage, teaching in a classroom, opening up my own tiny bookshop with cafe, a community man or anything else that I may come to be.
The most important thing is to love doing what one loves to do.