The Chronicles of Maria Audition Call

Sigh. Weekends are packed trying to watch the movies I wanna watch, meeting people and trying to complete whatever work I can in the little space of time I have.
More projects are coming, not entirely a bad thing but definitely time consuming. Still, I am happy with my life scept for the part where conscription is concerned. Bah!
Anyways, onwards to cheerier things.
Yellow Chair Productions is calling upon youths between the ages of 15-25 to step forth and join us on 24 th & 25 th February 2007 for an audition call for our latest production, The Chronicles of Maria which is scheduled for the 2 nd quarter of this year.
The Chronicles of Maria is a modern epic, about a domestic maid who has come to Singapore to find work and much to her surprise, it is here in Singapore that she gets transported into another world, one which she doesn't want to be in, but she needs to be at.
Sounds like something out of the closet of Narnia? Sounds like something Alice would discover in her Wonderland? Or is it as mystical as what lies in Pan's Labyrinth? Come down and meet our affable team and we'll be glad to tell you more!
Yellow Chair Productions, the lovechild of three secondary school friends, is a drama club based at Tampines Central CC. Started from scratch with the intentions of providing youths a platform to share the passion for the stage with the community, the club now boasts a membership of twenty active members. The youths who have joined the club all share one common desire, the fire that burns within to excel in their craft.
With the coming audition, we hope to encourage more youths to join us on a magical journey where we will all discover the power in the dynamism of youth in doing what we love most.
To find out more about the auditions, visit our website at or email us at
Contact YIHAN at 96354620 or SARAH at 97993154
See you at the auditions!
Warmest Regards,
Mohamad Shaifulbahri
Artistic Director
Yellow Chair Productions