The short break is doing good. Physio session was like a human torture regime.
Otherwise, been preparing for Hari Raya. Not much celebration considering I'm an Army boy now. But but, it's all good people. Being significantly "smaller" than the last Hari Raya makes me a happy camper. Nyehehe.
And now, I have a story to tell about dancing.
I most absoultely must place a major WARNING label at every Yellow Chair Productions training/rehearsal session regardless of venue.
Had rehearsal for our upcoming show at the Esplanade Underground, coincidentally, the story, for Deeparaya is about a group of dancers and how they have to perform during the festive period. A tongue-in-cheek at the upcoming Hype Up concert that's happening on Hari Raya.
Little did all those in attendance realise that the Esplanade is filled with spirits.
Considering that the da:ns festival is going on down there, the spirit of dance caught almost everyone of us in the group.
After the rehearsal, we all went break-fasting (as taught by Effendi, right Nurul?) at Secret Recipe chalking up a $180+ bill that almost caused the walnuts in my mouth to fly out. Went back to Esplanade to the "Powerhouse", the big white tent that was holding the dance marathon.
While people had to register initially, the dance floor was well, open to the public. And boy, what a session it was. We came at the end of the Salsa segment. This was followed by a Bollywood one and then a Hip-Hop one and we called it a night.
Let's just say that trying to dance with only ONE able leg isn't the coolest of sights! And now it's hurting like hell!
A few pictures to describe the mood.


Electric Fusion


Tired after the workout session, the whores that we were, ended up at the Concourse snapping away at this rotating da:ns festival logo.
And well, we all were snap happy. Here goes!

The Night Michaelt Flatley Cried

The Singapore Ballet Club went exclusive after this


Must admit this is a preeetyyyy pictureeee!

Cultural Expedition Gone Wrong

The Cheapest Version of The Producers

Presenting Le Bohemian Krump

Auditionee for Billy Elliot Musical

Mahabharata The Musical

All That Juice..I mean, Jazz

The EXORCIST Musical

Alien The Musical

The Moon Dance

If Yellow Chair did RENT

it'd prolly be called BORROW
Wells, each and every picture here was taken by Shahdon.
There are a whole lot more on his blog,
http://shahdon.livejournal.comGo see!
Poor boy stayed up the whole night uploading the pics and that is why we ALL LOVE HIM.
See, don't say I never say okay? wAHAHAH.