Goodbye Blog!

This just came over me and I didn't have to think long to decide.
I think my blogging days has run its course and I don't feel the urge to write here anymore.
Besides, there are lots of things that I want to say that I can't write here.
So, I've decided a few minutes ago that I'll close this blog.
Well, I hoped that by the time I chose an apt picture I would've changed my mind but I guessed wrong.
If you've gotten used to my style of writing, you may discover a similar style blog somewhere, sometime, in this stratosphere.
This blog has gone through several phases and it's served me well.
To all my readers, thank you for taking time from your lives to read this space of mine. I hope I've provided you with a laugh or two over the years.
To my anonymous readers, if you've been following this blog for some reason and you'd like to read more of what I write, drop me an email at
I'd be glad to hear from you and update you with anything that might just pop up.
I would love to close this with a quote or poem or something, but I think I'll just leave this as is.
This has been Lecter at A Life More Than Ordinary.
Things can only go uphill from here, ladies and gentlemen.