Of Dreams...
"It is better to have the energy to chase your dreams throughout your lifetime then to chase all of it now and have no energy left to last you a lifetime."
My friend IR, made me slip into deep though today after what he said.

The Thinker

Whenever there's talk of dreams, I will always remember what happened in 2001; the year my secondary school had its Official Opening Ceremony.
The "theme" of the event was if I'm not mistaken, "Where We Build Our Dreams". Everyone liked it except for one outspoken teacher of mine. An English and Literature teacher at that.
She said that dreams as a theme was not that good a choice.
"What good is there in teaching our students to dream?"
She probably might have been thinking of a daydream. Shocking that an English and Literature teacher could have interpreted that literally.
What occurred to me though was that, why did she not think of dreams as a form of deep aspiration?
Nevertheless, the school stuck to the theme and I dare say, it was a success.
Thus, this leads me to what IR has said to me.
Dear friend, I really really appreciate everything. I understand that you care and that you're worried that I'll crash and burn or give up. And, I thank you for that.
IR is afraid that I'll neglect certain responsiblities I've chosen to take. Subsequently, he believes that I'm really doing too much that it left me exhausted for two straight days.
I chose to take those responsibilities and opportunities because I believe in myself. Yes, there are smaller ones which I could have chosen not to take but I've given my word. Perhaps, I should reconsider such things down the road.
But, I believe that I'd rather go through life knowing that I had done something when opportunity beckoned then to wallow myself in regret at not having done something when the opportunity came a knocking.
I have dreams. Some of which have been deemed as ambitious. Some have said they're unrealistic. Yet, there are those who've stood by me.
Support or the lack of it, I'll continue to persevere. I'll take the necessary steps that would take me to the pinnacle.
Right now, I have enough fuel to last me on this leg of the journey.
What I need to find inside me is the patience that will tide me on the waves.
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
(Christopher Reeve)
The late Superman couldn't have said it any better.
This is my promise my friend. Let's do this together. All of us.
Believe in me as I believe in you. And as we believe in this labour of love we've embarked upon.
If I had to choose between Love and Dreams, I would teach my children to believe in their dreams. For Love lives on in the heart and needs coaxing while Dreams live on in the mind and needs proper scaffolding.
For when one ignores one's dream, it will ferment into a manifestation.
And as it dies down, it will remain idle in the depths of darkness.
"When once you have tasted flight you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward: for there you have been and there you will always be."
(Henry Van Dyke)
Achieving a dream is like having a taste of heaven. You'll always want to fly.
I can't imagine how dull and monotonous life would be if we don't have any dreams (not literally) to look forward to, and to work towards.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
yep! dreams are a form of motivation for us too, to work towards our goals. w/o dreams, why are we still living??
Monday, May 16, 2005
thank you both.
Monday, May 23, 2005
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